EasyTrader ArtNo 178
芝商所(CME Group)是全球衍生性商品交易服務龍頭,2010年執行了31億筆期貨與選擇權合約,涵括所有類別資產,總值近1千兆美元。交易方式包括交易所期貨與選擇權買賣,或中央櫃買結算交易。所有交易均受到芝商所結算系統的中央對手機制保護。芝商所提供全球化投資服務,全球最多樣的衍生性金融商品都可在芝商所的單一交易平台Globex取得。芝商所旗下擁有4個主要交易中心
2、紐約商業交易所 (NYMEX)
4、紐約商品交易所 (COMEX)
Swiss National Bank(SNB): 瑞士國家銀行。瑞士國家銀行在制訂貨幣政策和匯率政策上有著極大的獨立性。不象大多數其它國家的中央銀行,瑞士央行并不使用特定的貨幣市場利率來指導貨幣狀況。直到1999年秋,央行一直使用外匯互換和回購協議作為影響貨幣供應量和利率的主要工具。
瑞士法郎期貨 15 分K 留倉 交易週期 2010/01/01 ~ 2013/11/26 交易成本 美金 $75 元
瑞士法郎期貨 30 分K 留倉 交易週期 2010/01/01 ~ 2013/11/26 交易成本 美金 $75 元
瑞士法郎期貨 60 分K 留倉 交易週期 2010/01/01 ~ 2013/11/26 交易成本 美金 $75 元
60 分K 策略程式碼
{ ***** System Code Start here *****}
{ Public inputs }
Inputs:LuckyNet(0),IntraDay(2), TradeStopLoss(0.044),TradeProfit(0.021) ;
Inputs:TradeInday(1),Time1SW(1),Time1B(100),Time1E(700) ;
Inputs:Time2SW(0),Time2B(900),Time2E(1300),Time3SW(0) ;
Inputs:Time3B(900),Time3E(1300),PositionSW(0) ;
inputs:Frac_LMM(1.77),NBar_LM(17),Frac_SMM(3.21),NBar_SM(7) ;
{ Public Variables }
NewBuyStopA(0),NewSellStopA(0),PL(0),PS(0),LastTradeDay(false) ;
Vars:TimeOK1(true),TimeOK2(true),TimeOK3(true),PosSW(true) ;
{ BuyMode Setup }
inputs:Bar_L1(39) ;
inputs:NBar_LE(6),Frac_LE(3.41) ;
{ SellMode Setup }
inputs:Bar_S1(46),NBar_SE(17),Frac_SE(1.20) ;
{ Exit Long Position Setup }
{ Exit Short Position Setup }
{ BuyMode Variable Setup }
{ SellMode Variable Setup }
Vars:SE_ATR(0) ;
{ Exit Long Position Variable Setup }
Vars:LMM_ATR(0) ;
{ Exit Short Position Variable Setup }
Vars:TS_ATR(0),Trigger_TSA(false) ;
Vars:SMM_ATR(0) ;
{ initial profit and loss }
if MarketPosition = 0 then begin
PL = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PS = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
end ;
{ ATR calculate for code }
LMM_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_LM);
SMM_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_SM);
SE_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_SE);
{ Entry and Exit prices }
UBuy = Highest(High,Bar_L1) ;
USell = Average(Open, Bar_S1) - Frac_SE * SE_ATR ;
{ Long and Short Entry Condition Setup }
Cond_LE = DayofWeek(Date) >= 3 ;
Cond_SE = DayofMonth(Date) <= 7 ;
{ Combine Trade Number in day }
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and EntriesToday(date) <= TradeInDay ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and EntriesToday(date) <= TradeInDay ;
{ Combine Trade time zone in day }
if Time1SW = 0 then TimeOK1 = true else TimeOK1 = (time >= Time1B and time <= Time1E) ;
if Time2SW = 0 then TimeOK2 = true else TimeOK2 = (time >= Time2B and time <= Time2E) ;
if Time3SW = 0 then TimeOK3 = true else TimeOK3 = (time >= Time3B and time <= Time3E) ;
if Time1SW = 1 then Begin
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and TimeOK1 ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and TimeOK1 ;
end ;
{ Check Position status for entry}
if PositionSW = 0 then PosSW = true else PosSW = (MarketPosition = 0) ;
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and PosSW ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and PosSW ;
{ Entry Long orders }
if Cond_LE then Buy next bar at UBuy Stop ;
{ Exit Short Position Setup }
{ BuyMode Variable Setup }
{ SellMode Variable Setup }
Vars:SE_ATR(0) ;
{ Exit Long Position Variable Setup }
Vars:LMM_ATR(0) ;
{ Exit Short Position Variable Setup }
Vars:TS_ATR(0),Trigger_TSA(false) ;
Vars:SMM_ATR(0) ;
{ initial profit and loss }
if MarketPosition = 0 then begin
PL = AvgPrice*TradeProfit ;
PS = AvgPrice*TradeStopLoss ;
end ;
{ ATR calculate for code }
LMM_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_LM);
SMM_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_SM);
SE_ATR = AvgTrueRange(NBar_SE);
{ Entry and Exit prices }
UBuy = Highest(High,Bar_L1) ;
USell = Average(Open, Bar_S1) - Frac_SE * SE_ATR ;
{ Long and Short Entry Condition Setup }
Cond_LE = DayofWeek(Date) >= 3 ;
Cond_SE = DayofMonth(Date) <= 7 ;
{ Combine Trade Number in day }
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and EntriesToday(date) <= TradeInDay ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and EntriesToday(date) <= TradeInDay ;
{ Combine Trade time zone in day }
if Time1SW = 0 then TimeOK1 = true else TimeOK1 = (time >= Time1B and time <= Time1E) ;
if Time2SW = 0 then TimeOK2 = true else TimeOK2 = (time >= Time2B and time <= Time2E) ;
if Time3SW = 0 then TimeOK3 = true else TimeOK3 = (time >= Time3B and time <= Time3E) ;
if Time1SW = 1 then Begin
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and TimeOK1 ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and TimeOK1 ;
end ;
{ Check Position status for entry}
if PositionSW = 0 then PosSW = true else PosSW = (MarketPosition = 0) ;
Cond_LE = Cond_LE and PosSW ;
Cond_SE = Cond_SE and PosSW ;
{ Entry Long orders }
if Cond_LE then Buy next bar at UBuy Stop ;
{ Entry Short orders }
if Cond_SE then SellShort next bar at USell Stop ;
{ Exit orders, long trades }
If MarketPosition > 0 then begin
PL = EntryPrice(0)* TradeProfit;
PS = EntryPrice(0)* TradeStopLoss ;
If BarsSinceEntry = 0 then begin
BuyStop = EntryPrice - Frac_LMM * LMM_ATR;
SetStopLoss(PS * BigPointValue) ;
SetProfitTarget(PL * BigPointValue) ;
{ Exit orders, short trades }
If MarketPosition < 0 then begin
PL = EntryPrice(0)* TradeProfit;
PS = EntryPrice(0)* TradeStopLoss ;
If BarsSinceEntry = 0 then begin
SellStop = EntryPrice + Frac_SMM * SMM_ATR;
BuytoCover next bar at SellStop stop;
if IntraDay = 0 then SetExitonClose
else if IntraDay = 1 and LastTradeDay then SetExitonClose ;
{***************** End of Strategy ************}
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